the pumpkin runs to supi yuki

and other wisdom from larkin

Monday, February 26, 2007

the wind

after we purchased his balloon for the party and i had tied it around his wrist until we could get to the car...
"mom, it is tied around my wrist!" and then, while looking into the distance contemplatively, "like the summer wind."

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

the king of names

while helping his dad wash mustard greens-his responsibility being to place the greens in the sink and pack them down...
"i am larkin jairus johnston, funny-talker, plopper, smoosher."

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


now it is clear why all wisdom comes from byron.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

stretching it

while mom was trying to stretch the shirt that was too tight on larkin..
"mom, stop stretching it. you're making me look ridiculous."

Thursday, July 06, 2006

all wisdom comes from byron

after being the first one ready to get in the car...
larkin, "mom, me and dad are fast and you and lucy are slow."
mom, "oh really. that's nice. who told you that?"
larkin, "byron."

Monday, June 12, 2006


after tripping on the two steps out of the back door and looking amazed that he had survived...
"Whew, I fell half an inches!"

Friday, June 09, 2006


while at the Fortner's eating watermelon on Memorial Day...
Larkin to Beth, "Don't you want some more watermelon?"
Beth (rubbing her pregnant tummy), "Oh, I've had enough watermelon."
Larkin, with concern, "Aw, did it give you a baby?"